【每日佳句道晚安】Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow; He who would search for pearls must dive below. (John Dryden, British dramatist, 1631-1700) 错误就像浮在水面的稻草,要想寻找珍珠就得潜到它的下面。(约翰·德莱顿,英国剧作家,1631-1700)展开全文
【每日佳句道晚安】Time is the father of truth, its mother is our mind. (Giordano Bruno, Italian philosopher, 1548-1600) 时间是真理之父,心灵是真理之母。(乔尔丹诺·布鲁诺,意大利哲学家,1548-1600)展开全文
【每日佳句道晚安】Life is just a mirror, and what you see out there, you must first see inside of you. (Wally Amos, American businessman, b.1936) 生活不过是一面镜子,你能在生活里看到的东西一定已经在内心里看到过。(怀利·阿莫斯,美国商人,生于1936年)展开全文
【每日佳句道晚安】The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. 庸师讲述;良师解说;优师演示;大师启迪。语出威廉·A·沃德展开全文
#Morning Buzz#In a love affair, most seek an eternal homeland. Others, but very few, eternal voyaging. (Walter Benjamin, German literary critic, 1892-1940) 在爱恋中,大多数人寻找永恒的家园;另有极少数人则寻求永恒的航行。语出德国文学评论家瓦尔特·本雅明展开全文
【每日佳句道晚安】We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. (Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher, 1844-1900) 每一个不曾起舞的日子,都是对生命的辜负。语出德国哲学家弗里德里希·尼采 展开全文
【每日佳句道晚安】There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting. (Gautama Siddharta, 563-483 BC)在追求真理的道路上人只会犯两种错误:要么没有坚定不移地追求下去,要么根本就没去追求。语出佛教创始人乔达摩·悉达多 展开全文
【每日佳句道晚安】When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each other. (Eric Hoffer, American writer, 1902-1983)当人们可以随心所欲时,他们通常会互相模仿。语出美国作家埃里克·霍弗 展开全文
#今日微信早知道# 网传'新四大俗':They include opening a cafe in the city, quitting your job to tour Tibet, running an inn in Lijiang and tour the 318 highway on a bicycle. 城里开咖啡馆、辞职去西藏、丽江开客栈、骑行318。(中国日报双语微信Chinadaily_Mobile或QQ号1980772340) 展开全文
#今日微信早知道#'星座歧视'困扰求职者。Employers like to steer clear of "Scorpio" (天蝎座)and "Virgo"(处女座) candidates because they tend to be more picky and jump ship sooner than their peers from other astrological signs.( 微信号Chinadaily_Mobile或QQ号1980772340) 展开全文
#Morning Buzz#Every morning was a cheerful invitation to make my life of equal simplicity, and I may say innocence, with Nature herself. (Henry David Thoreau)每一个早晨都是一个愉快的邀请,使我的生活跟大自然同样的简单,或者说,同样的纯洁无暇。语出美国作家、诗人亨利·大卫·梭罗 展开全文
【每日佳句道晚安】Poetry is eternal graffiti written in the heart of everyone. (Lawrence Ferlinghetti, American poet, b.1919)诗是永恒的涂鸦,画在每个人心底。语出美国诗人劳伦斯·弗林盖蒂 展开全文
Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie revealed that she has undergone a preventive double mastectomy (乳房切除术) because she had a very high risk of breast cancer, AFP reported. http://t.cn/zTgscJU女神就是女神,做出了健康的选择,相信朱莉会性感依旧。你们同意么?展开全文
#今日微信早知道# >H7N9检测试剂盒已发放 Testing reagents (试剂) for the H7N9 avian influenza virus have been distributed among 409 flu monitoring sites across the country. [沪皖共新增3例]、[4岁患病男童康复](微信号:1980772340)展开全文
【宠物猫会吃掉宠物仓鼠吗?】英国一只被粗心的主人饿了6天的猫咪,费尽周折扒开家里养着仓鼠的笼子(broke into hamster’s cage),吃掉了里边早已被吓得魂不附体的小仓鼠(terrified hamster)。猫咪的主人也因此被禁止在5年内再饲养小动物(banned from keeping animals for five years)。展开全文
【”希特勒穿越了“】Graphic novel on Hitler's return is German bestseller:一部讲述希特勒在21世纪生活的穿越小说《他回来了》(He's back)最近成为德国畅销书榜冠军。据书中畅想,希特勒在二战结束前没有自杀成功,2011年的一天,他突然醒来。现代的希特勒被刻画成一个小人物,抱怨各种社会问题。展开全文