快开学了。我女儿会去军训。虽然我看到湖南军训群殴事件但我还是支持军训。正是因为在学校体育课与课外活动时间得不到保证,孩子不会自觉关注身体健康,体质与意识都变得薄弱,也才会导致军训时有各种情形发生。学生的军训问题是一个症状,而不是疾病 problems are a symptom, not the disease.展开全文
今天是节日,我的心再也忍受不下去了。那么是真的?那么是假的?关键不是你说什么,而是你做什么。The hardest thing to face: the difference between the way that you wish things could be and the way that they really are.展开全文
17岁女孩扶孕妇失去了生命。但我不同意“冷漠才能自保”的想法。在家里我们讨论这情况然后用即兴发挥和角色扮演。你可以给别人伸出救援之手但别进陌生人的家门。不要从陌生人收礼物,钱或食物。我认为人类被赋予了理性并能辨别善恶. Use your head, don't lose your heart...or your life.展开全文
父母做好榜样,要为别人好成绩而感到高兴,我认为这是非常重要的。妒忌那些比自己成功的人,这真的是一种有害的、不利于社会发展的行为。每个人都能拥有自己的成功!不要去妒忌别人所拥有的东西,也不要让你的孩子生活在这种妒忌之中。There is enough success for everyone. Why begrudge others?展开全文
高考前的祈祷 (2) It’s just a test, and nothing more. I did the work, I’ll get the score! And if I fail, I won’t despair. Life’s a gift, but not always fair. Please believe I did my best, don’t base your love upon this test. 所有高三的学生,家庭,爱和支持!展开全文 原微博
Failing to love children unconditionally is a more serious tragedy than failing an exam在无条件的给予孩子爱上的失败比考试失败更加悲剧。If your child fails an exam, your love cannot fail! 如果你孩子失败考试,你的爱不能失败!展开全文 原微博
在参观兵马俑的时候听到英国游客用五星级形容词感叹道:astonishing, astounding! 美国人说:Wow, unreal!我很想听听丽娜华怎么说,我问:你觉得呢? 李丽说:It feels pretty great to be Chinese (我觉得做个中国人挺棒的) 李娜说:是呢,好遗憾妈妈你不是中国人! 我回答: 没关系,做你们的妈妈就很棒!展开全文
当快乐,笑起来。当伤心,哭起来。但是,我试试面对困境中微笑,从忧伤中获得力量,通过反思变得勇敢的人。 Laugh when happy, cry when sad. But,always try to smile in the face of trouble, draw strength from difficulty and grow brave by reflection. This is life!展开全文 原微博
昨天李丽去广州,帮助她爸爸。昨晚我朋友开个派对。今年最后一天,我松一口气!Yesterday Lily went to GZ to help her dad. Last night my friends threw me a party. This last day of the year I can at long last breathe a sigh of relief!展开全文
🔗 网页链接 Believe that there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Believe that you may be that light for someone else. 相信隧道的尽头终有阳光。相信你或许也是别人的那缕阳光. Thanks to all of you...I don't really know what else to say!展开全文
When it comes to domestic violence, the very personal choice of an individual woman to forgive her husband must not be used as support for the argument: “family matters cannot be legislated”. Personal forgiveness should not be confused or interchanged with legal consequence.展开全文 原微博
If an arsonist burns down a building, the building owner may choose to forgive him. But the building remains destroyed. Does forgiveness mean reparations are not necessary and no crime was committed? Does an apology magically restore the damage?展开全文 原微博
焦虑. Anxiety. 我应该习惯这种感觉. 但是,并没有得到任何容易. 今早上,孤零零的,我感觉我绝对不是一个伟大的女性权利战士,实际上,我是一个紧张的女性. Alone in the dark, quiet morning to face my feelings, my fears and my failures.展开全文 原微博
At every step along the way, your soul will be tested. Every test you pass will make you stronger. 一路上,每踏一步,你的灵魂都将经受考验。而每次通过考验,都将令你更加强大。我第四离婚开庭审理1月29日 9:00上午。 这是我的灵魂的高考!展开全文 原微博
妈妈,你觉得上帝可以深吸一口气,吹雾,距北京?我想去外面玩。-李华 Mom, Can God take a deep breath and just blow this fog away from Beijing? I want to go outside and play. - Lydia 展开全文