生菜whoamllove: HB说PG帅!!! //@我结相关地-暮暮: 皇甫在大巴上呆了30分钟,我猜。她很友好地给签名,甚至签了国际生菜饭和贤重的海报。她返回海报的时候说那不是她的脸,她说“很帅”(说她老公啦)不负责任的翻//@生菜蟹蟹: 求翻//@我结相关地-暮暮: oh my god!you love the handsome man?展开全文
A short account fm JBPH Cristina Granado HB stayed in a bus for 30 minutes, I guess.. And she was so kind to give autographs! She even signed joongbo posters and even Hyun joong's poster. She says 'this isn't my face' and when she gave back the poster, she says 'very handsome."