Fish is among the healthiest foods you can eat. It's filled with good fats and protein, and has been shown to fight heart disease, boost brain health, and more. 鱼是你所能吃到的最健康的食物之一,它富含优质脂肪和蛋白质,且已经被证明可以有益于心脏病,促进大脑健康,等等,不一而足。展开全文
Putin said he hopes Snowden, the U.S. National Security Agency leaker, will leave Russia as soon as possible and reiterated that he doesn't want the situation to damage relations with the White House. 普京说他希望NSA泄密者尽快离开俄罗斯,重申不希望这种情形影响其与白宫的关系。展开全文
今天CNN首页的新闻:“Instead of remaining in her comfortable life in Wall Street, Zhang returned to Beijing, where she met her husband, and together they started SOHO China. 没有留恋华尔街的舒适生活,张欣回到北京,并在那里遇到了她的丈夫,然后开始了SOHO中国的创业。”@张欣展开全文
可以听听,我翻唱的《挥着翅膀的女孩》,不许笑。歌词是:“像沙鸥来去天地 只为寻一个奇迹,See me fly , I'm proud to fly up high 生命已经打开,我要那种精彩 Believe me I can fly, I'm singing in the sky 你曾经对我说,做勇敢的女孩🔗 网页链接展开全文