If you want to pass the exam,you must change your attitude. If you can’t change the environment,you must change your mind.Even though its harder n harder to go aliving,your family always inspire you.Don’t think about2much.Tomorrow is another day.get hard n everything wil be ok展开全文
#原则# 谣言恶语满天飞。Don't ask me why I have no love for this world.但是告诉你吧我不会在乎的,没有意义也不重要。绝对,不要因为这些无义的东西去歼灭你内心的善良。没坚强的就坚强起来,不快乐也要快乐起来。我还是我,不要用你的生活方式去看待每一个人,因为每一个人都绝对!不一样!展开全文 原微博