The only way we can grasp the meaning of life in terms of generalizable realationships is by representing them in the light of some superordinate commitment-to God or an ideal-which takes the places of, and is treated emotionally like, a primary bond of attachement. P Marris展开全文 原微博
#note#A combination of liguistic decoding with non-linguistic knowledge creates an interpretation, perhaps resembling the intention of the sender, but by no means identical to it. Guy Cook. The Discourse of Advertising. p.40展开全文
#note#'a signifier whose signified is an enigma for the members themselves-nobody really knows what it means, but each of them somehow presupposes that others know, that it has to mean"the real thing", so they use it all the time' (Zizek, 2000, p114-5)展开全文 原微博