A map of Cambridge from the 1570s ... can you spot the King’s Ditch (a notoriously filthy sewer), a fisherman and his catch Our patrons, trinity College Penny farthing lane, and the castle展开全文
The story of how the 'longitude problem' was solved - a conundrum so complex that even Isaac Newton doubted it could be done - is now freely available to everyone via the Cambridge Digital Library. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
The entire archive of the Board of Longitude has been made freely available to everyone online at: 🔗 网页链接 The drawing here is one of the schemes that didn't make it!
#Summer at the Museums is here!# Fun stuff for families in Cambridge & beyond.Take your family on an adventure with Summer at the Museums! Explore, enjoy and discover 7 weeks of fun with over 100 imaginative activities across 18 of Cambridgeshire’s museums.展开全文
Jazz and brass bands playing in Cambridge’s parks and open spaces for you to enjoy. The event is entirely FREE, so just turn up, bring a picnic, enjoy the sounds and relax in the cooling summer breeze! 我在这里:🔗 网页链接展开全文
Cambridge has earned second place on a ‘Valentine’s Day Sexiest City Index’ created by ustarnovels.co.uk, a website that sells personalised erotic novels. Nottingham (dubbed ‘Hottingham’) came top, Brighton third and Oxford fourth.展开全文