#时事英语#习近平对马尔代夫进行国事访问。两国关系健康稳定发展bilateral relations have been developing in a healthy and stable manner;成为大小国家平等相待、和睦相处的典范become a model of equality and harmonious interaction between countries of different sizes。(新华网图)展开全文
#时事英语#李克强:铁路改革须吸引社会资本参与,靠行政方式推进promote by administrative orders;吸引社会资本参与solicit non-governmental funds;投融资体制改革reform investment and financing mechanism;拉近东西部距离narrow the gap between the west and the east。展开全文 原微博
#时事英语#成龙为儿子吸毒致歉。以祖名的教训为戒,远离毒品侵害take a lesson from Jaycee and stay away from drugs;做错了事要承担后果shoulder the consequences for his wrong behavior;作为公众人物我很羞愧,作为父亲我很心痛as a public figure, I'm ashamed; as a father, I'm heartbroken.展开全文 原微博
#时事英语#习近平在纪念邓小平同志诞辰110周年座谈会上发表重要讲话。实事求是seek truth from facts;历史的接力棒传到我们手中the relay baton is in our hands;敢于开拓创新的政治勇气political courage to test uncharted waters and break new ground。展开全文 原微博
#时事英语#百度网盘涉“黄”被警告。因对存储业务监管不利被警告be warned against slack supervision of its storage service;要求立即删除全部含有不良内容的文件urged to promptly delete all files in question;关闭账号shut down accounts。(图片来自网络)展开全文
#时事英语#中委确立全面战略伙伴关系。加强顶层设计strengthen top-level design;把中委关系放在中拉关系全局中谋划address bilateral ties in a broader context of China-Latin America relations;参与委内瑞拉经济特区建设participate in the construction of Venezuela's special economic zone。展开全文
#时事英语#北方罕见高温破60余年纪录。创历史记录hit a record high;将高温预警信号升级为红色upgrade the temperature warning to red;停止室外作业outdoor work and activities to be ceased;气象预警系统weather warning system。展开全文
#时事英语#国务院明确2014年医改目标,基层医院医疗现新机会。减少社会办医审批环节simplify procedures required to found a private hospital;放宽准入条件lower access conditions;优化政策环境improve the policy environment;商业健康保险commercial healthcare insurance。展开全文 原微博
#时事英语#国信办将重点整治微信公众号。即时通信服务instant messaging services;通过微信公众账号传播暴恐淫乱信息the spreading of malicious content like violence, terrorism and pornography through public accounts;账号审查account scrutiny。展开全文 原微博
#时事英语#习近平会见巴基斯坦参议院主席布哈里。两国人民彼此有天然的亲近感Chinese and Pakistani people feel intimate with each other naturally;在涉及中国核心利益和重大关切问题上给予的一贯支持consistent support on issues involving China's core interests and major concerns。展开全文 原微博
#时事英语##索契冬奥会#花滑团体赛俄罗斯夺冠,中国第七。女单短节目ladies short program;前五名获得自由滑资格top five teams qualify for the free skating;三周半跳triple Axel jump (a triple jump with 3 rotations);奥运卫冕冠军reigning Olympic champions展开全文
#时事英语#2014春节电影票房有望再创新高。电影票房box office;新里程碑a new milestone;外国大片foreign blockbusters;最热门节目the most talked-about show;迎合孩子口味,促进亲子关系cater to kids and boost parent-child bonding;全明星配音演员all-star voice casts。查看全文>>展开全文
#时事英语#国家确定8家机构可检验婴幼儿奶粉。检验机构testing centers;生产许可检验工作production license examinations;对企业现场审查make inspections of company premises;分送2家以上检验机构进行检验send the samples to at least two of the centers for testing。查看全文>>展开全文
#时事英语#佛教道教协会倡导文明敬香。宗教人士religious figures;敬香burning incense;抵制不良风气boycotts of uncivilized behavior;拒绝燃腊,烧纸,放鞭炮refuse to burn wax, paper or set of firecrackers;免费发放环保短香provide environmentally friendly incense free of charge。查看全文>>展开全文 原微博
#时事英语#国产自主知识产权操作系统COS正式发布。卖点selling points;开源软件open source software;兼容多种应用程序compatible with various applications;自主知识产权independent intellectual property rights;打破外企的垄断地位break the monopoly of foreign companies。查看全文>>展开全文 原微博
#时事英语#(接上文)张存浩专注于水煤气合成液体,火箭推进剂和激光领域的研究Zhang focuses on water gas technology, rocket propellant and the laser field;程开甲建立并发展核爆炸理论,改进核武器设计Cheng established nuclear explosion theory and improve the design of nuclear weapons展开全文 原微博
#时事英语#罗德曼(Dennis Rodman)备战朝鲜篮球赛为金正恩庆生。表演赛exhibition game;友谊赛friendly match;遭到国内众多批评under criticism from home;与罗德曼撇清关系The NBA distanced itself from Rodman;体育有助于缩小文化差异sports can be helpful in bridging cultural divides。查看全文>>展开全文
#时事英语#中国销毁6.1吨象牙。首次公开销毁the first public destruction;非法象牙原料和雕刻制品illegal raw tusks and carved ivory;严厉打击野生动物非法贸易vigorously fight against wildlife trafficking;倡导民众树立保护野生动物观念raise public awareness on wildlife protection。查看全文>>展开全文
#时事英语#宁夏一清真寺发生踩踏事故,,致14人死亡,包括多名儿童。踩踏stampede;宗教集会a religious gathering;为信徒散发传统宗教食物handing out traditional religious food to attendees;病情危重in critical condition;纪念已故宗教人士commemorate a late religious figure。查看全文>>展开全文 原微博
#时事英语#中国驻旧金山总领馆遭纵火。总领馆consulate-general;纵火an arson attack;威胁馆员和周边居民安全pose a threat to the safety of consulate staff and residents living nearby;向美方提出交涉make representations with the U.S. side;将凶手绳之以法bring the culprit(s) to justice查看全文>>展开全文