..Music is well said to be the speech of angels;in fact,nothing among the utterances allowed to man is felt to be so divine.It brings us near to the infinite ..We haven't found the words to describe music.Maybe we will one day.展开全文
《Sigur Rós - Svefn g englar (LIVE)》 Sigur Rós - Svefn g englar (LIVE)..Without music,life would be a mistake..Music was invented to confir... 🔗 网页链接 (分享自 @土豆网音乐)曾经以来一直埋藏在我内心深处的一首曲子 不曾逝去!展开全文
《Sigur Rós - Svefn g englar (LIVE)》 Sigur Rós - Svefn g englar (LIVE)..Without music,life would be a mistake..Music was invented to confir... 🔗 网页链接 (分享自 @土豆网音乐)曾经以来一直埋藏在我内心深处的一首曲子 不曾逝去!展开全文