“Las mujeres estamos habituadas a estas cosas; la invención del tiempo lineal no nos cabe tan bien como a nuestros compañeros de especie. Los ciclos de cada mes, los límites en la etapa de procrear, todo eso conjura en nuestro imaginario contra el tiempo de la acumulación.”展开全文 原微博
"That what appears to be the disintegration of a past mode of relationship is often only a transformation of that mode. That what appears to be a liberation from past oppression is often only a transformation of that oppression".展开全文 原微博
身为爱情社会学的TA 我表示压力太大了。我:"Hi, I'm TA for Sociology of Love and Relationship. The instructor already reserved this documentary。 May I check it out?" 图书管理员:"You know a lot about relationship?" 另外这个班现在有83个小盆友,只有12个男的。情何以堪。展开全文 原微博
"Hi Yu, At this point I don’t have a TA position for you for Spring. Sorry for the late notice, I was hoping for better news." 作为一个phd屌丝,有上顿没下顿是天经地义的。不过了~倾家荡产买酒喝去。或者我呆在大墨西哥不回去了,在这里找个工作吧!@拖延之神薛定肚子饿展开全文 原微博