赞一个.The famous blue raincoat. 伦敦演唱会. 老科恩像从没有年轻过,熟稔,深沉,锋利无双又漫不经心.点到为止,不沉迷于追求美感,不执着于自我表达.多说一字都是白搭. 原微博 天放Stoic
分享罗大佑的单曲 《京城夜》(来自@豆瓣FM - #私人 MHz#) 🔗 网页链接 原微博 天放Stoic
Give me back my broken night,my mirrored room, my secret life.It's lonely here,There's no one left to torture.Give me absolute control.Over every living soul.And lie beside me, baby,That's an order!Give me crack and anal sex.Take the only tree that's left.And stuff it up the hole 展开全文原微博