//@意大利语意大利: 意大利语咖啡词汇(il caffè):牛奶咖啡 il caffè macciato、黑咖啡 il caffè nero、过滤式咖啡 il caffè filtrato、意式浓咖啡 l'espresso、卡布奇诺咖啡 il cappuccino、冰咖啡 il caffè freddo展开全文
.Finally,however,he released him from service. In the meantime Bach's family had grown dramatically.By 1720 he had seven children,and began to see musical talent in his eldest son Wilhelm Friedemann .Unfortunately, in the same year Bach suffered a very traumatic experience.展开全文
英语抄练[JS.BACH]1:"Towering Genius of the Baroque" Without question Johann Sebastian Bach is one of the towering geniuses of Western classicl music.Moreover,he was a source of inspiration to many later composers.(抄自“GREAT WESTERN COMPOSERS"