“在对华政策上,安倍主张应增加日本海防实力,应对与中国的领土主权纠纷;但他也务实地表明,不会与中国打仗,希望与中国重建‘战略互惠关系’”。when they say we will not have a war with you, it means they are prepared for war. 为战争准备吧,没有实力,耍嘴皮子是没用的 展开全文原微博 曹辉宁
Đilas described Gorbachev's actions as a "strict necessity. They have come to realize what other Communists in ... realised much earlier-namely that Communism doesn't work. It works neither at the economic level nor at the level of satisfying essential human needs and liberties 展开全文原微博