好夸张,,,//@_EmmaWong: 当爷的。。。不忍直视//@雪才是智慧的结晶QVQ: @_EmmaWong 看最后一个 亚当。。。。。//@XoXo_欧美控: 八字奶、水桶腰、KFC、大鼻孔、星巴克、惊恐脸、象腿、香肠嘴、麦枣、巨波巨臀、金嗓子喉宝、肥当的不忍直视...= = 展开全文原微博 雪想做奶儿的零食_
I'm free to be whatever I,and I'm free to say whatever I like,too.Everything I said was none of your business.There are so many people in the world,and you only pick a hole in me,are you fall in love with me secretly?But I don't like you at all!!Haha...It's so funny!! 展开全文原微博 最爱傻奶呆蠢萌儿
There is no the eternal friend in the world,and there is no the eternal enemy in the world,either.There is only have the eternal benefit. 原微博 最爱傻奶呆蠢萌儿
呵呵 //@--Sarah--L: //@kobe-1D是梁静怡最爱: 连谷歌都知道她是霉婊//@stan1017: 好图 我不发表...我要拿来艾特我的前任是极品...@Banana_1Dear @_SuperSlippy @--Sarah--L @1D-Niall @我是你的小骚丝_1D @世界像我安静激烈且深邃 @justinbieber新闻台 @LBHORAWNIAMV @最爱骚丝白富美儿 @justinbieber新闻台 @哈卷君_Luv_1D @zaniuxx @渣饭奶粉控丝莉ODMarcheis @我是你的小哈卷_1D 展开全文转发 1评论 0 原微博