《1984》临近篇末,不敢去猜测什么样的结尾,不知道会不会出现终极的答案。看到末尾,其对极权主义就像资本论对资本主义,既是批判,同时也是教材。我一直觉得玩味的是向我推荐这本书,并确实促成我在多年后决心真的去读的人,恰恰是掌管着这个国家咽喉的某个机构的一员,Ministry of Truth.展开全文 原微博
Quite a year. Where were you last year and where will you be next year? Though life is not a matter of location, it is a matter too complicated to describe. I bet you have been ups and downs this year like always. Anyway, good luck and good day, my dearest friends.展开全文 转发 1评论 0
Quite a year. Where were you last year and where will you be next year? Though life is not a matter of location, it is a matter too complicated to describe. I bet you have been ups and downs this year like always. Anyway, good luck and good day, my dearest friends.展开全文 原微博