I love shanghai 【一个普通吊车工拍摄的上海奇景[赞] 】这一组《海上奇观—虹》获得上海摄影高含金量大展的银牌。而作者魏根生是一位草根摄影者,他是正在建造的上海中心工地的普通吊车工。他没有高超摄影技巧,但凭着长期所见和领悟,记录下了上海城市难得的光环彩虹。[威武] 赞我大上海![心] 🔗 网页链接 转发 1514评论 262 原微博 夏小小小小夏
Holy crap! I left my bag in the wc at London airport by mistake, when I run back ,only to find out hat the wc was evocuated. They might think that there was a bomb inside. Luckily I run back in time and explained it ,otherwise I would lose all of my travel documents or go in jail 展开全文原微博