【你喜欢吃什么?】hot spicy chicken with peanuts 宫保鸡丁; crispy fried chicken 香酥鸡; sweet-and-sour fish 糖醋鱼; braised fish in brown sugar 红烧鱼; mushu pork 木须肉; pork in hot garlic sauce 鱼香肉丝; beef with onions 葱头炒牛肉; hot spicy beancurd 麻婆豆腐展开全文
【out of高频短语表达】 1.Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见,心不烦。 2.out of breath上气不接下气 3.out of balance失去平衡 4.out of stock脱销 5.out of date过时 6.out of line不协调/不一致 7.out of patience不耐烦 8.out of control/hand失去控制 9.out of style不时髦的(请继续补充~)展开全文 原微博