相比New York Times, Time Magazine这样仇视中国每期必黑中国的刊物,偶感觉The Economist还是挺客观甚至挺说中国好话的。但接连几期The Economist也开始发狠了,"ugly", "blame China first", "thieves",话题讲黑客,讲毒空气毒人,对上访者设黑狱。唉,还有没有树立中国正面形象的刊物呢展开全文
去年做了个海地的非盈利项目,一分钟前收到邀请在一个NGO conference上present我们组的成果,偶激动坏了:A number of well-known Haitian leaders from the government, civil society, and leading NGOs will be in attendance at the conference, as well as US and Canadian academics in Haiti.展开全文 原微博
美国人对Asian Americans的印象是:"I can give you a lot of work to do, but I dont have to pay much attention to you. If you cant express youself aside from showing your work, you'll be underappreciated. You are a glorified laborer instead of a leader. "真是字字震撼展开全文 原微博