【早安晨语】The happiest people do not necessarily have the best of all, they simply appreciate what they find on their way.最快乐的人不是一定要拥有最好的一切,他们只是简单地珍惜着他们一路走来所寻找到的东西。展开全文
【办公室政治】Grapevine 像葡萄藤般传播的传闻/小道消息;Brown-nosing/kissing up/sucking up 拍马屁;Back-biting 诽谤;Gossip 闲言碎语;Rumors 传言;Rumor mongering 散布谣言;Peer-to-peer 同事之间;Cliques 小集团;Kiss a lot of frogs 搞特殊关系;Scandal 公众丑闻;(享受周末吧[嘻嘻])展开全文
【趣味英语俚语】wears the pants in the family每一个家庭都有当家人。有时妻子会吩咐丈夫怎么做,我们就说,她在这个家里当家做主(wears the pants in the family)。例:It's obvious that it is your wife who wears the pants in your family.看得出来,你们家你老婆当家。展开全文 原微博
【关系亲密怎么说?】1. BFF(best friend forever) 闺蜜,死党;She was my BFF on the show and in real life.不管在节目上还是生活中,她都是我的死党。2. great buddy 好哥们儿;The two of them have become great buddies.他们俩成了一对好兄弟。3. tight 关系铁;We are tight. 我们关系很好。展开全文
【幽默英语】1.Money is not everything. There's Mastercard & Visa.钱不是万能的,还需要信用卡。2.One should love animals. They are so tasty.每个人都要热爱动物,因为它们很好吃。3.Never put off the work till tomorrow what you can put off today.别等明天交不上差再找借口,今天就要找好。展开全文
【对女性的各种称呼】1.old hen老婆子;2.springchicken少女;3.the little woman太太;4.one's ball and chain 老婆;5.one's old lady老娘,某人母亲;6.doll美人;7.skirt 青年女子(限男对女);8.clinging vine 会撒娇的女子;依赖男子的女人;9.a plain Jane 不起眼的女人10.jailbait 祸水妞儿;展开全文
【聊天常用缩略词】BTW:By The Way顺便说一句;ASAP:As Soon As Possible尽快;AFAIK:As Far As I Know就我所知;B4:Before以前;GL:Good Luck祝好运;IC:I See我明白;IDK:I Don't Know我不知道;OMG:Oh My Gosh哦,我的天啊;U2:You Too你也一样;Y:Why为什么;YW:You're Welcome不客气, 不用谢.展开全文
【今天,你笑了木有?】1. crack a smile 微笑;莞尔一笑 2. smile from ear to ear 高兴大笑得合不拢嘴 3. be all smiles 笑容满面 4. force a smile 强颜欢笑 5. smile away 一笑置之 6. beam with smile 笑容满面 7. a hearty smile 会心一笑;开怀大笑(给自己一个笑容,开始美好的一天吧~~)展开全文