忽而想起数月前,也是此时夜读,李永平写道:“生命的源头……不就是一堆石头、性和死亡?”I believe death is only a door.When its closes, another opens. If I can't imagine heaven, I would imagine that door open. And behind it, I will find her there, waiting for me. My love, I'm home.展开全文
<Cloud Atlas>:"Our lives are not our own, from womb to tomb,we're bound to others, past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, rebirth our future. "展开全文 转发 1评论 0
<Cloud Atlas>:"Our lives are not our own, from womb to tomb,we're bound to others, past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, rebirth our future. "展开全文 原微博