As I've gotten older, though, I39;ve gradually come to the realization that this kind of pain and hurt is a necessary part of life. If you think about it, it's precisely because people are different from others that they39;re able to create their own independent selves. 展开全文原微博 老酸奶老酸奶
When I was younger it wasn't as if I had as much free time as I wanted, but at least I didn't have as many miscellaneous chores as I do now. I don't know why, but the older you get, the busier you become. Another reason is that I've gotten more interested in triathlons, 展开全文原微博 老酸奶老酸奶
今早测晨脉64,平常是55,这样今天是要不锻炼还是可以减量继续锻炼?求问各路大神! @解连环zn @山神hiclimber @kingjump @红旗飘扬01 原微博 老酸奶老酸奶
很想念N年前五一的将军山、金寨骑行啊! @seevenlee @红旗飘扬01 @霏丫 原微博