In 14 days, Malaysia authority had published many different directions which MH370 might be, more than 20 nations joined the search in those areas. Malaysia authority may point your area as the next possible crash site, please be prepared to join in any search or rescue works. 展开全文原微博 耿直的面条
//@kazuo83: 转发微博 【成都军区现“神炮手” 人称“鲁一发”】那天,校炮靶设在1000米开外,各单位轮流校炮,鲁成聪排在最后。平均计算,坦克每校准一次,约需炮弹4至5发,而前面校炮用弹最少者也是3发。轮到鲁成聪,一键击发,此刻全场沸腾,仅用一发炮弹即校准坦克,从此“鲁一发”的大名不胫而走。🔗 网页链接 转发 1660评论 554 原微博