跟苏珊学每日职场英语:讨论下个议题: Why don’t we leave this issue open and go to the next part? 我们能不能保留这个问题,先讨论下一个? 类似的表达还有: Let’s move on to next item. I’d like to leave this subject. Shall we skip this part ? Let’s take this part last.展开全文
跟苏珊学每日职场英语: May I trouble you to repeat ? 能麻烦你再重复一遍吗? I beg your pardon ? 请再说一遍! Could you kindly repeat what you just said ? 您能把刚才的话再说一遍吗? Let me repeat your message to see if I’ve got it all. 我再重复下您的留言看是否记全了。展开全文
跟苏珊学每日职场英语: I would appreciate your guidance .I am hoping to receive your advice. Please Excuse me coming late. I gave my apology sincerely to you all. 希望大家能多多指教。我希望能得到你们的建议,。请原谅我来晚了。我向各位致以诚挚的歉意。展开全文
今天分享的这个词是“sting ”,意为“太伤人,刺痛人cause to feel pain ,hurt ”.《破产姐妹》S01E03: Oh, that stings . I’ve lost 300 Facebook friends since my father was arrested. 哦,太伤人啦。自从我老爸坐牢后Facebook上有300个好友取消了对我的关注。查看全文>>展开全文
今天分享的这个词组是“bucket list ”,意为“遗愿清单A list of things to do before you die. It comes from the term "kick the bucket". ”.《破产姐妹》S01E01:Well, I can cross that off my bucket list.恩,我现在可以把这条从我的遗愿清单上划除了。查看全文>>展开全文
今天分享的这个句子是“I will friend you ”, 意为“我会(在某网络社交工具中)加你好友的。I will add you to my friends’ list on any social networking website ”,《The big bang theory 》精彩台词:Leonard: I will friend you on my facebook .我会在faceboook 上加你好友的。展开全文
“How long can you get over from your break-up?When do you get cranky ?今天的新节目susan要教大家学会...” 我正在听《读《欲望都市》学性感美语(二十二)get over和cranky》 (分享自 ) http://t.cn/zRGvrTc展开全文 原微博
“How long can you get over your ex ?When do you get cranky ?今天的新节目susan要教大家学会这两个词,收...” 我正在听《读《欲望都市》学性感美语(二十二)get over和cranky》 (分享自 ) http://t.cn/zRGvrTc展开全文 原微博
!今天分享的这个词组是“dibs ”,意为“rights ,claims ,”children's word to express a claim on something (儿童用语)(属于某人的优先)权利《The big bang theory 》精彩台词:Raj:Hey,You already got a girI friend. I call dibs!嘿,你已经有女朋友了,(她)是我的!展开全文
更多苏珊举例: They are trying to sell me on these new shoes. 他们跟我极力推销这双新鞋子。She's really sold on the idea of moving to Australia.她被极力游说搬去澳洲。(每日文字分享关注新浪微博@ 苏珊教美语,语音分享关注微信公众号“susanenglish88”)展开全文
今天分享的这个词组是“sell someone on something ”,意为“to persuade someone to buy something or give support to an idea说服某人买东西,或说服某人接受某种观点”《The big bang theory 》精彩台词:Sheldon: You don’t have to sell me on cats,Leonard.I’m already a fan.
更多苏珊举例:Buck up!Lots of people fail their driving test first time. 别灰心,很多人第一次参加驾驶考试都没通过。The good news made all of us buck up.这条好消息使我们大家倍受鼓舞。(每日语音分享关注微信公众号“susanenglish88”)展开全文
今天分享的这个词组是“buck up ”,意为“cheer up ,get over and move on振作起来,打起精神来”《The big bang theory 》精彩台词:Sheldon: I know what your point is .You are intimidated by Amy’s intellect.To that I say, buck up!我知道你想说什么。关于这点我想说,振作起来吧!
更多苏珊举例:Each of us should sing a song. Susan, you ’re up!我们每人得轮流唱首歌,轮到你了,苏珊!You’re up?It’s only six in the morning!你起床了?现在才早上6点呢!(每日文字分享关注新浪微博@ 苏珊教美语,语音分享关注微信公众号“susanenglish88”)展开全文
更多苏珊举例:Two guys were stalking me, but now I'm safe and sound.有两个男人跟踪我,不过现在我安然无恙了。 The kids got home safe and sound. I am so relieved !孩子们安然无恙地到家了,我放心了!(更多性感美语分享,请关注新浪微博@ 苏珊教美语,微信公众帐号“苏珊教美语”)展开全文
今天分享的这个词组叫做“safe and sound ”,意为“to be completely healthy, and free of any harms,安然无恙 ”。《The big bang theory 》精彩台词:Leonard: I almost died! 我差点死了!Sheldon: and I’m safe and sound in bed !Who’s crazy now ?而我却安然无恙得躺在床上。
今天分享的这个词组叫做“safe and sound ”,意为“to be completely healthy, and free of any harms,安然无恙 ”。《The big bang theory 》精彩台词:Leonard: I almost died! 我差点死了!Sheldon: and I’m safe and sound in bed !Who’s crazy now ?而我却安然无恙得躺在床上。展开全文
今天分享的这个词叫做“text ”,意为“to send a text message or short message from a cellphone发手机短信”。《The big bang theory 》精彩台词:Leonard: You never see this girl. You just email, text and twitter .你从来没见过这个女孩。你们只是发发电子邮件,发发短信,聊聊微博。展开全文
今天分享的这个词叫做“get laid ”, 意思是“have sex ,make love跟人上床,跟人作爱”。《The big bang theory 》精彩台词:Raj: Wow, I can’t believe Smelly Pooper finally got laid.哇塞,真不敢相信臭气熏天的骚把星居然也跟人上床了!展开全文
更多苏珊举例:Can I tag along with you guys to the movies?我能跟你们一起去看电影吗?My little brother is such a tag along.He follows us everywhere when I go out with my friends.我弟弟真是跟屁虫。我和朋友出去他总是到处跟着。展开全文
今天分享的这个词组叫做“tag along ”, 意为“go along with ,usually uninvited (未经许可)尾随,跟随,跟屁虫”。《The big bang theory 》精彩台词:Penny: I’m sorry ,honey. I’m meeting Amy and Bernadette for dinner.But you’re welcome to tag along.
今天分享的这个词叫“ground ”, 除了做名词表示“地面”之外,口语里可以做动词表示”confine someone to a certain place as punishment (惩罚某人)关禁闭”.《The big bang theory 》精彩台词:Shelton :I’m given to understand his mother grounded him for running away.展开全文
今天分享的这个词组叫“pickle ”, 口语里可以表示“an awkward or difficult situation 困境,窘境”。《The big bang theory 》精彩台词:Howard:The thing is Bernadette doesn’t like that I have to take care of my mother, and my mother doesn’t trust Bernadette. that’s a real pickle.展开全文