This is the highest wisdom that I own: freedom and life are earned by those alone who conquer them each day anew. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German writer, 1749-1832) 这是我所拥有的最高智慧:自由也好,生活也好,都要天天去赢取,才有资格享有它。展开全文 原微博
"If you just set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time and you would achieve nothing." – May 3, 1989, commenting on her 10th anniversary as prime minister.展开全文 原微博
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery, French pilot and writer, 1900-1944) 完美不是不需要再附加什么,而是没有什么从中流逝。(安东尼·德·圣-埃克苏佩里,法国飞行家、作家,1900-1944)展开全文 原微博
The University of Oxford, the University of California, Berkeley, Stanford University, Princeton University, the University of California, Los Angeles, Tokyo University and Yale University rank 4 to 10. China's Tsinghua University and Beijing University are ranked 35th and 45th.展开全文 原微博