Stalin ordered a census of his population in 1937. When the result came back, stating that it was much lower than Stalin desired it to be ( because he murdered so many) he had the census takers shot. 展开全文原微博 趋势TIM郭
@情人节的嘉嘉 :还记得这儿不? 原微博 趋势TIM郭
This is the beer they serve at the executive lounge. @TigerTian @海上花crisy @原点终点 原微博 趋势TIM郭
这次内训,是近年来最成功的。好讲师,好学员,好助教,好后勤,全部来自趋势中国自己的团队。大家都很棒!相信籍此形成的四个TEAMS,会在相当长的时间内在公司发挥重要作用。结识了朋友,交换了信任,增强了信心,发现了人才。我也收获颇丰。@趋势中国传播机构 爱特下参与者们哈! 原微博