【学术讲座】题目:Why do people purchase luxury goods and luxury hospitality services? 主讲人:Wan Yang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor College of Hospitality University of South Florida。时间:2013年6月3日星期一上午10:00-12:00. 二外2教323。展开全文 原微博
【John Urry论地格-2】the gaze is always socially constructed. A variety of multimedia channels construct the gaze. Both tourists and tourist sites are manipulated.tourism is nothing more than the collection of signs on tourist spots.展开全文 原微博
【全球经典旅游目的地营销口号--5: 21、Hawaii: Hawaii is the smile of the Islands, where sunny(夏威夷:夏威夷是微笑的群岛,这里阳光灿烂);22、Singapore: Singapore unlimited, unlimited tourism Enjoy, it is difficult to forget(无限的新加坡,无限的旅游业,尽情享受,难以忘怀)展开全文 原微博
【旅游前沿理论讲座】《世界旅游研究的前景:中国的声音》主讲人:Mr. Shuang Xin PhD researcher in Tourism School of Hospitality and Tourism Management University of Surrey。辛爽博士师从 Annals of Tourism Research 主编John Tribe教授。地点:二外3教426.时间:3月4日下午2:00.展开全文 原微博
【旅游地格经典语录】8. “authenticity” is central to tourism as it allows the tourist to define her/himself against otherness. The search for authenticity is ironic,for tourist sites tend to be “stage sets” of authenticity, or authenticity constructed(MacCannell, 1976).展开全文 原微博