#新的一周要加油涅# When life offers you lemons, make lemonade, suck hard on a lemon, treat yourself to a delicate lemon cheesecake, or simply soak yourself in a steaming hot lemon-flavored bubble-bath. After all, variety is the spice of life. #人生需要调味 embrace多样体会#展开全文
目测这是差点写对的Je pense, donc je suis (我思故我在) 跳上车前的两秒钟抓拍的。在@英语警察 的故乡骤然降温、将雨未雨的阴霾天气里能看到这句话,着实为Descartes欣慰,不过拼写错误会不会让他老人家在坟头一阵翻滚呢? Superbly uplifting! (正能量爆表) @Realslimcrappy展开全文
#Jaywalk和周杰伦没关系# 韦伯字典解释: to cross a street illegally or at a place other than a regular crossing. 过马路不走斑马线,违章横穿马路。很多路牌都会提醒行人(pedestrians): No jaywalking. Use the crosswalk(斑马线美式叫法,英式zebra crossing).展开全文
好不自然的自然选择//@Realslimcrappy: 还有一种针对mitochondria desease的方法:injecting a donor mother's egg cytoplasm into infertile mother's egg, "rejuvenating" this infertile egg and at the same creating a three-parent super baby(with Donor's mitochondrial DNA, counting 1%)展开全文
#母亲节快乐#【Mama by Spice Girls】🔗 网页链接 Back then I didn't know why/why you were misunderstood 回想当时,我不知道为何我会误解你/So now I see through your eyes如今,透过你的双眼/All that you did was love你所做的一切都是爱展开全文
张国荣20年前的英文采访 🔗 网页链接 1) an epic story 史诗般的故事 2)A commited suicide.A自杀了。 3)对同性之爱的态度:I have nothing against it.4) a tragic person 悲剧式人物 5)pick up the vibes 悟彻 6) kind of feminine有点儿娘 7) a landed immigrant 落地移民展开全文
【坑爹的谣言Flaky Rumors】A rumor is a social cancer because it rots the brains of the masses. The best ammunition against lies is the truth, there is no ammunition against a rumor. It is like a fog and the clear wind blows it away and the sun burns it off. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
萌shi人不偿命的Adele 视频🔗 网页链接 以为她会是serious person(一本正经)可她却sarcastic,cheeky,喜欢crack a joke, likeable, down-to-earth 把Jennifer Aniston叫成Rachel 5'11''-5'18'' I pick my nose(挖鼻孔)and I roll my booger(鼻粪)in my hand and then I flick(轻轻弹出去)it!展开全文
#深夜单词扫荡# 第14期 S1utty is as s1utty does 自作贱之人自有可悲之处 长围脖字数显示有限 全文参照🔗 网页链接 ~Yesterday's paper telling yesterday's news 昨日的报纸也只是说着昨天的新闻 用一首老歌Streets of London 🔗 网页链接 说晚安展开全文