Start my intern next week. But I am even not feel anything about it, no nervous , no expectation no nothing. All I am trying to figure out is how to beat the fucking time and show the empressement that I am not emotional and impulsive this time, was that so hard to believe 展开全文原微博 鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤
泛黄记忆 @Too困 @CallmeWADE @Distyle @阿轩不在现场 原微博 鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤
Woodbridge770 survivor! @Too困 @CallmeWADE @Distyle @阿轩不在现场 @刘峥 原微博 鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤
这萨东西啊?求解释。我没叼他。难道我要坐牢了? @Distyle @Too困 原微博 鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤
你还是应该见证下你皇为数不多的gandie time! //@大肥迪: 闹钟被我按掉了!!!!靠!!!!听说赢了,不看也罢 原微博 鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤鹤
真.伪球迷@大肥迪 原微博