有语法错误见最新。。那我改日来发love story 吧。 //@banghim: 再跟自己说句goodbye//@BabyU柒最有道德感: excuse me, shall we dancing in the rain..→ →//@banghim: 加句 happy birthday to my secret love 破坏气氛//@BabyU柒最有道德感: //@腻灿: 展开全文
#BAP#Everyone is a warrior, we got the power and give one shot to badman---ourselves. we'd fight for freedom though the punch and crash. No mercy that we stop it. I always tell myself everything is pretty and never give up. I remember, I 'm unbreakable 。。语法错误请指教
#BAP#Everyone is a warrior, we got the power and give one shot to badman---ourselves. we'd fight for freedom though the punch and crash. No mercy that we stop it. I always tell myself everything is pretty and never give up. I remember, I 'm unbreakable 。。语法错误请指教展开全文
#never give up ##Bang&Zelo##bap#昨天奋斗了一个下午写出来的词,本来想录的,结果RAP无奈实在不行。像我这种不会韩语的饭就只能默默地改为中文来,要迎合曲又和原来的言词不同。该死的TS怎么不放兔子们的inst?明明编曲都很好的啊!下星期把I remember写出来~B.A.P Is My Style展开全文