国内也有这个啦@流浪的宅女Cathy 原微博 Alex也玩微博
We can plan a trip there, the birthplace of Texas hold 'em @流浪的宅女Cathy 原微博 Alex也玩微博
Ends of the earth. Long distance between SFO and Sanya, 15-hour jet lag cannot be the hurdle between us. You got a piece of excitement there, I have relaxation here.@流浪的宅女Cathy 展开全文原微博 Alex也玩微博
To be a thinker, rather than a consumer@Zhihong_Ray 我在:福中路 原微博 Alex也玩微博
原来我也有一颗不安分的心@流浪的宅女Cathy @Iiiiiiiicepet 我在这里:招商大厦 原微博 Alex也玩微博
我也得了收行李拖延症@Jennifer陳斯莹 @流浪的宅女Cathy 原微博 Alex也玩微博
Long talk with @流浪的宅女Cathy made me more comfortable 原微博