#吴亦凡#【MY 1/4】[妈妈说每年情人节都特别,可是我记忆里的每一天都是情人节呢,因为有你。而且以后...也会是 晚安 my every you 作者:我 ]情人节快乐刚刚想起明天是情人节所以又上来了[禁去logo禁商用禁上传汤不热,二改转载请注明出处。Do not reupload to tumblr,thx.^^]@kris_路过画报楼展开全文
#吴亦凡#【MY 1/4】[I believe that there is one among those stars that guides my life through the dark unknown.我相信,在群星中有一颗星星,能够引领我的生命穿越未知的黑暗。]愿你一切安好[禁去logo禁商用禁上传汤不热,二改转载请注明出处。Do not reupload to tumblr,thx.^^]展开全文
#吴亦凡#【MY 1/4】【oh I have to hear your voice the one that brings me joy,and your warmth slowly wraps around my heart,boy can't you see】【禁去logo禁商用禁上传汤不热,二改转载请注明出处。 Do not reupload to tumblr,thx.^^】展开全文