Love the Lenny Cooke movie. The end of the movie is Deep - 喜欢Lenny Cooke演的电影。电影的结尾很深刻 Winning is all that matters.... - 赢得比赛是最重要的.... I'm never cutting my hair again. I promise this time. - 我再也不会剪头发了。这次我保证。 Its better to live one day as a lion than one thousand as a lamb. - 当一天的狮子胜过当千年的羔羊。 Watching LeBron James story on 60 Mins respect bro. Single Parent Mother def mak... - 在看《60分钟》节目中有关LeBron James的故事,向你致敬,兄弟。单亲母... 🔗 网页链接 Working on that Tony Parker Move. Crazy!!!!! no excuses - 在练习Tony Parker的那个运球技巧。太酷了!!!!没有借口 Great workout w/ Pooh Jeter 6am. - 早上6点和@PoohJeter 进行了很棒的锻炼 The City should be Hype we back in Playoffs.We here now might as well try to win. Right? - 这个城市应该会很兴奋,我们回到复赛。我们既然在这里就最好要赢。对吗? Just spoil her homie, or the next dude will - 好好宠爱她吧,朋友,不然她下个男友会的 Toronto w/ Hawk & Niko - 和Hawk还有Niko一起去多伦多 🔗 网页链接 Rosewood Movement I'm on this New Years Day - 我新年这天着装风格要参照Rosewood MovementTrueee lol RT Libra Is A Luxury: Libra always sets the tone & guides the direction of conversations. - 是这样的,大笑 转自Libra Is A Luxury:天秤座总是定下基调,引导谈话的方向。 展开全文