//@GRE机器人: //@SmartPigai: #大家来纠错#今天纠错句子正确答案:It is not uncommon to see children spending most their free time doing homework or participating in extra-curriculum activities.不错的活动嘛展开全文
#大家来纠错#今天的错句非常简单,但错误不止一处:It is not uncommon to see children spending most their free time to do homework or participate on extra-curriculum activities.大家来纠错吧,如果全部揪出错误,赠送40批改币!一个小时后,记得一起来探讨外教修改的正确句子哦转发 1评论 0
Cultural Differences Noticed at the G20 meeting in Toronto ... The Canadian: Self-absorbed and disconnected from reality. The American: Businesslike, unwilling to be distracted. The French and the Italian: "LOOK AT THAT ASS!" :D