Emi_Greece捏彼尔德 【48人奖】现在开始第一个转发抽奖活动,奖品为彼尔德iPhone4/4S手机壳,3款图案共48个。即时起至2013年2月4日24时结束,活动规则如图务必细读。(因为各地快递暂停揽件,奖品一并于年后寄出) @彼尔德Billd 转发 4537评论 2226 原微博 Emi_Greece
A scientist delegate yawns on stage during the closing session of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China inside the Great Hall of the People on November 14, 2012 in Beijing.@pacalolo @童乐琳Ellen @VJ-FEIDU 展开全文原微博 Emi_Unchained
Watching pacololo's live at my friend's apartment! Miss u!!!@pacalolo @蒋lolo @张伟不是昵称 原微博