#A SALON WITH VIEWS# MOMENTS 系列第二集 MOMENTS IN CHINA来了哟!主讲人、时间和地点详见海报!@camelot莫甘娜 @十六楼的Ann @饺子的澡堂 原微博 Evins_M
i already knew that i am a bitch. a bitch can never be a sugar, a bitch can never a pearl, a bitch can never be a whore to meet your fatty meat! all in all , the bitch is me, so call me B-I-T-C-H. 展开全文原微博 Evins_M
我为我老娘找到了一个新职业就是到美国教打麻将,或许会因为这个我们一家都可以移民出国~@皮皮皮大虾 @小狐狸同志 @Mi-More @开心恩开心 @Louisa-Gao 原微博 EvinsM
every time i feel miserable, i'd put some shit words on it, lookin like i am a bad evil. but truth is that i am not the sugar, i am the giant beast! 展开全文原微博