弗朗西斯教皇难道也是“富迷”?默克尔你派头也太小了,就送人家一套大包子环保装?私藏宝货也拿些出来呀 @沈洋Shenyang @hughke @albert_xu @GutenbergProject 原微博 FrancisZhou
最新消息经确认,富特文格勒的遗孀Elisabeth Furtwängler今天在瑞士克莱伦斯逝世,享年102岁 @hughke @沈洋Shenyang 原微博 FrancisZhou
@炎炎与猫: @albert_xu说得不错,F的录音目录里涉及柏辽兹的仅有三次,同一作品《浮士德的沉沦》。 原微博 FrancisZhou
感叹转制技术的进步,更钦佩多年前老田的执著——54Bayreuth版应该圆满了. @hughke 原微博 FrancisZhou
Washington (CNN) -- The U.S. military has blocked access to a range of popular commercial websites in order to free up bandwidth for use in Japan recovery efforts, according to an e-mail obtained by CNN and confirmed by a spokesman for U.S. Strategic Command. 展开全文原微博