In 1994, an earthquake knocked out the power in Los Angeles. Many residents called local emergency centers reporting a strange “giant, silvery cloud” in the dark sky. That giant, silvery cloud was the Milky Way, which many residents had just seen for the first time.展开全文
真是受不了国内的媒体,时代广场叫了几十年有什么不妥?本来The New York Times逐字翻译应该是纽约时代报,况且Times Sqaure前面并没有The,译为时代广场是非常准确的,最关键比土逼时报广场好听多了 //@安普若-安校长: 回复@糾結者先生: Sorry,应该是"时报广场“,扭腰禁报的时报。 展开全文