生於憂患, 死於安 {孟子} Difficulties and concerns will guide to the life and comfortableness and joy will guide me to the death. Stay hungry, stay foolish.展开全文 原微博
成人後其身而身先 外其身而身存, 非以其無私耶故能成其私 {道德經} Great leaders try to put themselves behind, but they come to the front, try to stay in periphery but they are at the centers. This would come from the fact that great leaders empty their minds, therefore they succeed展开全文 原微博
飄風 不終朝, 驟雨不終日 {道德經} Typhoon cannot blow for more than a whole morning, heavy rain cannot continue for more than a day. When tough challenges come in our lives, they would not stay for long. = 天運循環, 無往復展开全文 原微博
“Reach beyond the shallowness of selfishness, of complacency, of mindless conformity, and of indulgence. This is the promise: launch out into the deep, and your nets will be filled.” Willard Mitt Romney @ Southerin Virginia University展开全文 原微博