一年时间,从小粉丝到现在协助been trill 全日的工作,跟他们像朋友一样chillin,得到他们的赞赏和联系方式。我不管外面在说什么屁话,我知道自己以后要做的事。我感恩这次机会。While I Trillin with those motherfuckers,where the hell are u lame niggas?转发 1评论 0
I can afford those hype shit but you've only got that poor npc and Nike money.Or maybe even clot?Ignorant piece of shit...You don't even know my parents or me so stop talking shit abt my parents on the Internet. Btw you can unfollow me now^ ^ Suckers you just make me sick.展开全文 原微博