@老萝卜的私有田 会长大人,只要一声令下,吾等会果断为你掀桌的!!!必须掀!!!@s倦鸟余花s 原微博 MadeinYY
偶然相聚,最是人间堪乐处〜〜欲再来,美人依旧,情怀依旧〜〜@UCL人在长沙 @茹婵 @我是丽贝卡小姐 @彭小小琴 原微博 余姚制造
回复@釙樂po1e: keywords:xenophobia,repression。 //@釙樂po1e: 回覆@KOBEXIA: i think it's all about simplification of the mentality and intolerance for objectivity, supported by xenophobia and unrealized agression. all these processes make people being easily controlled from 展开全文Honestly, it is nothing about ANTI-JAP, people just dislike the society they are living in, and they have been repressed for too long. 转发 1评论 0 原微博