其實這組照片是2007年的舊照,為了慶祝FLOWER BY KENZO罌粟花香水在全球銷售超過一億瓶,特別邀請舒淇代言,傳達這花的美!這別出心裁的原創,來自於身兼攝影師、作家、與營銷創意總監三位一體的Patrick Guedj!在每一瓶香水中都附有以16種不同語言表達的詩句:「別具魅力,始終這花最美」 **N娯楽展开全文
分享图片 「男性名牌圖鑑2012-2013秋冬版 ※台湾版」 You can order it at 「Asian Drops/東方糖菓」 🔗 网页链接 They often ask me the reason why I have been able to obtain the products of 周群達Duncan. The first reason is this Chinese entertainment shop in Japan.展开全文
《I Do戀性世代》 Early days 周群達Duncan as York. This is my favorite photo of Duncan. I believe York is a person who lives for the moment. York has a momentary beauty.展开全文
分享图片《人魚朵朵》Vivian Hsu & 周群達Duncan 「One day,朵朵 meets her "Smiling Dentist" prince charming and they seem destined for a happily ever after journey... but do they?」展开全文
5 Blu-ray Discs of Won Kar-wai film were released in this month in Japan. ①恋する惑星=重慶森林1994年②楽園の瑕 =東邪西毒1994年③天使の涙=堕落天使1995年④ブエノスアイレス=春光乍洩1997年⑤花様年華2000年展开全文