得物思源、洞知奥妙//@Freeja纽约人在上海: To all those going back to school/work, if you can do one thing to change the world, what would it be? My answer - no one will ever go hungry again. You can change the world, instead of protecting yourself from it. Take that leap of faith!展开全文
Ellen 是 TED GLOBAL 2012 speaker. Biohacking -- you can do it, too 🔗 网页链接 她在纽约努力出来的GENSPACE DNA lab for public is wonderful. Please check it out for being updated of impactful scientific development展开全文
关于消费奢侈品,1899年一个社会学家写道:increased wealth leads to morally corrupting consumption, as people compete in displaying expensive goods as the way to certify high status.21世纪初中国万象。转发 1评论 0