DVS is proud to be an official Asthma NZ partner. DVS are tested and proven by Massey University. DVS is proud to be the exclusive ventilation partner of Future-Proof Building. DVS is also the only home ventilation system to hold a valid Appraisal Certificate from BRANZ. 展开全文原微博 NZPN94
钓鱼岛主权问题太难解决了,日本人从丰臣秀吉时期就有侵略心了,中国大陆不可能放弃钓鱼岛,台湾除了李登辉这个王八蛋之外,没人说要放弃钓鱼岛,就连民进党吕秀莲都还认为马政府对钓鱼岛主权不够积极。“毕竟做为一个中国人,不管是哪一个地方的中国人,都绝对不能放弃一寸领土”。 原微博