麥玲玲還說今年羊仔今年說話要謹慎,容易得罪人。太準了put my foot in my mouth the other day.anyway, already took responsibility for my indiscreet remark.The rest,just let it take its own course.@--lkx@毋忘奋斗_伟欣 Thanks for being there when i need ears&encouragement展开全文
False alarm!!! 某人让大家@毋忘奋斗_伟欣@_张嘉恩 虚惊一场了.某人还很专制地不让人家发微博 Anyway, my wild imagination is the proof of my love for you What you have seen today is just the tip of the iceberg展开全文
老媽昨天算了一下我這學期用了多少錢,然後一直在我旁邊碎碎念說我一個學期花了超過10k,現在跟阿姨錶哥喝早茶又在說了im never gonna live that down不過我不會告訴她真實數據是多少 除了我自己,誰都不能知道 for safety's sake@IvanLAF 你不在她又在欺負我展开全文 原微博
"Am I annoying you?"he asked…"Not exactly.I'm more annoyed at myself.My face is so easy to read-my mother always calls me her open book."I frowned."On the contrary,I find you very difficult to read."…"You must be a good reader then,"I replied__Chapter2·Open Book,Twilight展开全文 原微博