【来自私信投稿】主页菌,我想看家暴!花朵在股东大会结束后把马总拖到酒店,狠狠地ry 公司临时有事,打死婷跑去酒店找马总,站在门口只能听见"嗯嗯啊啊",硬着头皮开门,看见一个两手被用领带绑住的小马...与满地的卷毛,花朵骑在小马身上边恶狠狠地拔头毛边喊"I am coming back for everything"展开全文 转发 56评论 6
#献给Pinto的诗# From Pinto we desire increase,/That thereby this fandom might never die,/But as the passion should by time decease,/Us fangirls might bear our memory;/ But thou,contracted to hard-core porn fanfic,/Feed'st thy light's flame with self-substantial fuel.
Jude Law and Simon Hammerstein in the Royal Box on Centre Court during day eleven of the Wimbledon Championships at The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, Wimbledon. @剥裘花生 温网的看台还是那么热闹
“ “So yeah, it’s not like I actually want it to happen, ‘cause that would be totally weird, but sometimes I just think of what it would be like…” she trails off, then shrugs. “Basically one big full moon pack orgy.” ”erica你太糟糕了哈哈哈哈哈人家也picture起来了肿么破!展开全文 原微博
我觉得这版福尔摩斯无论是在告白技术上还是感情丰富上都无人能及啊,而且编剧真是太强大,用女体化圆了无论ship啥的fan girls的心!最重要的还很有信服力,米福大概是所有福尔摩斯版本里气场最直的一个了吧哈哈哈哈哈~~//@红霓小火炉: YOU NAMED A BEE AFTER ME. #米福告白小能手无人可及#展开全文