...Yesterday's a memory, tomorrow's a dream. Yesterday belongs to a history, tomorrow belongs to God. Yesterday's a fading sunset, tomorrow's a faint sunrise. Only today is there light enough to love and live. (The Station, by Robert J. Hastings in 1980, a minister for 55 years.)展开全文
We must realize there is no station in our life trip, no one place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip. The station is only a dream. It constantly outdistances us. Life must be lived as we go along. Relish the moment. --Robert Hastings(图片来自网络)展开全文
回复@Wynn-WY: Mary (the English form of the names of Maria Mariam Marie María Maryām in Latin Hebrew French Spanish and Arabic speaking people) has been widely used due to its associations with Virgin Mary, and with St. Mary Magdalene, the apostle to the Apostles.展开全文
这报道有点玄。。美国总统必须是在美国本土出生(natural-born citizen of the United States)或出生时美国公民(a citizen at the time that you were born, rather than acquiring it later)。施瓦辛格1947年出生于奥地利,1968年21岁移民美国。展开全文
//@人物杂志: Matthew Weiner桌上至今放着第一件窃取《广告狂人》字体和形象的物品,他原打算起诉对方,但又因被窃取而自得,于是作罢;Trey Parker、Matt Stone热爱肯德基,桑德斯上校(肯德基创始人)才是他们世界的主。至于艾美奖杯,他俩说:“人们并不知道,写一千个笑话才可能得一次艾美奖。”展开全文
Gibraltar was ceded to Britain "in perpetuity" (永久) under the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713...Gibraltarians rejected proposals for Spanish sovereignty in a 1967 referendum and again in 2002...Gibraltar constitution of 2006 stated Gibraltar governs its own affairs. (Wikipedia)展开全文
建议翻译: Life is like a fast passing train, in the journey opportunity and destiny will let its passengers who are total strangers meet, acquaint with, get along with and know each other.展开全文
Life is like a train gallops, opportunities and fate make many passengers stranger met on the road, met intersect, friend.人生就象一列急驰的火车,机遇和缘分会让许多素昧平生的乘客,在旅途中相遇、相识、相交、相知。