140602 THE LOST PLANET in 香港 day2[心] #张艺兴##LAY# You are my No.1!!![心][心][心] [RT only! Plz Do not re-upload my photos]
首尔香港上海 ♪(●´Д`人´Д`●)♪ I couldn't take pics&videos much at XmasCons&GreetingParties.. Next time...!!!!!! LAYLAYLAY~~~~~
优酷版上传了131229 SBS歌谣大战#张艺兴#和#金钟仁##LAY##EXO##金钟仁##KAI##与LAY相遇两周年#!!!DO NOT RE-UPLOAD!!!【My优酷网Channel→http://t.cn/zRzHASx】 🔗 网页链接
130903 鹿晗!!!Arm!! All of my pics cutting out from my videos, so it's not good quality. Sorry 【If someone (EXO master) need help for SMTOWN in JAPAN, please contact me~ I'm in Japan, so I can help you~ #SMTOWN# 】
张艺兴的治愈mark♡σ(≧ω≦*) I couldn't understand this mark last time, so today I asked him♡ He answered Healing!治愈! 可爱…可爱よぉ…张艺兴…( ノД`)…♡♡♡♡