很开心,DM收到了〜〜真的非常谢谢茶茶和夏夏你们,专门从霓虹寄过来,再分别寄给我们。还有那个小卡片,真的很有心啊,相信之后我们还会一起开心地聊更多的〜〜@kakakathy @云卷云舒的夏夏 原微博 RF_兔兔粽
[1/2]As friends, as human beings, we all try to do the best we can. But the world is full of unexpected twists and turns. And just when you've gotten the lay of the land, the ground underneath you. Shifts. And knocks you off your feet. If you're luck, you end up with nothing mor 展开全文原微博 RF_兔兔粽
//@文月要当同传: 再给我一斤呗//@Redevairy: →_→岁月流逝一年又要过去了也挡不住右边花痴无极限啊(遁)//@见所健米被伤死了: 唉呦牛肚肚牛毛毛酥了酥了 //@阿裳是罗杰他二姨太: 原来会动!!好可爱【形容大雾!! 原微博