//@BlackDynamiteMC: I was wondering the same thing! I already watched it via download and there was nothing remotely offensive in the movie so I'm really not sure why it was banned here in China.展开全文
How does a movie for kids get banned? Is 'Me 2' too 'Despicable' for audiences in China? “卑鄙的我2”无缘内地上映,儿童电影怎么会通不过审查呢?Read on 请阅: 🔗 网页链接
//@JamesChaneUSA: There are no secrets to learning English. It just takes practice and persistence. It's free to join, just click here to enter room at 8:30 pm. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
//@Not-so-cunning-linguist: Great stuff for cunning linguists out there..There's an english dialect archive called IDEA with audios from native and non-native english speakers from all over the world展开全文
【两名美国人建“中国方言地图”】Even if you have been learning Chinese for many years or your mother tongue is Chinese, that doesn't necessarily mean you can visit every corner of China without some communication problems. 🔗 网页链接 <你还会说家乡话吗? >
I'm sure you have many questions. A number of questions I have been asked in the past are .Do I like China? Yes I like China, I have been here for 10 years. Am I Single? No I have a wife and two lovely children who live in Dalian, China. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
//@DonVectaGZ: This is certainly a theory I do agree with. Butterfly effect: moves and choices we do will cause storms in south Asia (maybe the horrible days here are due of someone's sneeze, lol), but yeah, everything moves and our moves are part of the whole motion. //@Johnny展开全文
A hypothetical question. If there was an envelope and the contents inside contained the story of your entire future would you open it? If not, it's best to let go of the future to embrace the present moment. Otherwise you better give me your address.
in·con·sid·er·ate[in-kuhn-sid-er-it]adjective 1. without due regard for the rights or feelings of others: It was inconsiderate of him to keep us waiting. 2.acting without consideration; thoughtless; heedless 3. overhasty; rash; ill-considered: slovenly, inconsiderate reasoning展开全文
Easter holiday has become overtaken by commercialism. Bunnies plant multicolored eggs and candies. Where as the original holiday was a celebration of resurrection. 复活节是一个宗教节日,为商业化所取代。铺设五彩鸡蛋和糖果的小兔子放在周围的一切。凡为原节日是为了庆祝复活展开全文 原微博
Keep your ping pong balls at home if you are heading to Beijing. Apparently ahead of the meeting there is a concern you will drive by tianamen square in a taxi tossing ping pong balls out the window covered in subversive messages.展开全文 原微博
Keep your ping pong balls at home if you are heading to Beijing. Apparently ahead of the peoples congress there is a concern you will drive by tianamen square in a taxi tossing ping pong balls out the window covered in subversive messages.展开全文 原微博