Trying to hang in there after a long week. Looking forward to the poker game tonight. @徐振中Z wanna go? only small stake game though
Again, get called up 8:30AM Saturday morning. 中国区我们的服务出问题了. 我还以为月饼的beta没人在用呢... @熊力_LiXiong @郑智尹 @tom_zhouxy
🔗 网页链接 Very interesting show. How come I didn't know that previously... @徐振中Z You know, I think maybe we should do that at some point. You know, pool some money, move to Vegas for a period of time, set a goal, and just play poker.
@大家都是我 Why is today's Web MSN Messenger such a piece of junk? 这东东以前还能用用的,现在就是一坨大便。为什么我总觉得Windows Live有这么一种天赋:就是把原来好好的东西做烂掉做死掉,好像那里的人都跟微软有仇一样。